The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of IPPF.

It takes place every three years, and this November we mark IPPF’s 70th anniversary defending choice and delivering care beyond barriers.

We will stand together for love, intimacy, sex, pleasure, and care. Our host, Profamilia Colombia welcomes you to the same region that set off the green wave. We invite the President, Executive Director and a Youth Representative of every IPPF Member Association to join us as a global community and agree on IPPF’s bold, new strategy.

The agenda

Monday 21st November 2022

Global Youth Forum and Profamilia Clinic visits for Presidents and Executive Directors

Tuesday 22nd - Thursday 24th November 2022

General Assembly

Friday 25th November 2022

Profamilia Clinic visits

This will be a moment for you to probe the work of the Board and its Committees, the Director General, and the Secretariat. As Member Association representatives, you will exercise your duty in appointing members for the vacant seats within the Nominations and Governance Committee.

The week opens with the Global Youth Forum, a space for young people from across the six regions to collaborate and co-create the change you want to see. Young people’s involvement is vital to a successful General Assembly. Age will not be a barrier; this space will be curated to ensure young people can fully participate.

Let’s come together, in Bogotá, Colombia, Monday 21st to Friday 25th November 2022, to go further.

Please send any questions to

Line of people

Watch what happened at the 2019 General Assembly

Watch with French Subtitles

Watch with Arabic Subtitles

Watch with Spanish Subtitles