The Agenda

Monday 21st


Tuesday 22nd


Wednesday 23rd


Thursday 24th


Friday 25th


IPPF Youth Forum: Young People Only Space

All Day

Profamilia Colombia Clinic Visits

Profamilia Colombia clinic visits open to Presidents and Executive Directors who have arrived in Bogotá early. Register your interest here –


Assert Our Presence: Registration & coffee

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt


You and I are the future

Exploring the question “Why are we here?”. We will open with a performance from Profamilia’s youth network. Then, we will discuss our objectives, what our role is in the GA, and why it is important.



– Emma Tangarife Buitrago, Youth Representative, Profamilia Colombia

– Magdalena Nadya, Youth Representative, Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt


Nothing for Us, Without Us

Storytelling panel on lessons learnt of young people’s participation in MAs. Then, we will lead an activity to reflect collectively on “How far should the participation of young people in the MAs go?”


– Ari Sigurdarson, Youth representative, Sex og Politikk, Norway


– Luisa Fernanda Guzmán Gonzalez, Youth Representative, Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, A.C

– Gurminder Singh, Youth Representative, Family Planning Association of India and IPPF Policy, Strategy & Investment Committee 

– Tara Meister, Youth representative, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Familienplanung, Austria

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt


Rest & Refresh: Tea & Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt


Walk the Talk, Words to Deeds

An interactive presentation on the concept of “youth led accountability” by an expert in the topic; and then a video highlighting how young voices from MAs understand it. Delegates will then build a collective definition of youth led accountability for IPPF.


-Youssef Hagag, Youth Representative, Egyptian Family Planning Association


– Fathimath Shaana, Youth Representative, Society for Health Education Maldives

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt


Youth First!

A session about best practices to engage youth volunteers in MAs. First, a strengthening activity about “impostor syndrome” and how to work past it. And then, a diverse dialogue about best practices for young volunteer engagement and participation.

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt


Nourish Us: Lunch

Location: Capitalino Restaurant, Grand Hyatt


Positioning Ourselves

A session led by the Resolutions Committee to finalize and discuss the youth recommendations for the GA. A final reflection on “How would a successful youth centered IPPF look like in two years?”


  • Mariam Ramzi Al Jabali, Youth Representative, Lebanese Association for Family Health
  • Ulukbek Batyrgaliev, Member of the IPPF Board of Trustees  

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt


Rest & Refresh: Tea & Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt


Speak Your Heart!

A session in which young people collectively discuss proposals to organize globally and locally to achieve the goals of the 2028 Strategy.


  • Amour Dieu-Donné, Youth Representative, Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille (ABPF) 
  • Alessandro Zambrano,  Youth Representative, Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsable, Perú  
  • Myr Olivares, Youth Representative, Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt


Free Time


Travel to Youth celebration

Meet in hotel lobby at 17:45


Diverse, United and together

Closing party and integration evening with Profamilia’s youth network at Vista Corona.

Location: Vista Corona, Rooftop Restaurant

DAY 1: IPPF General Assembly 2022


Assert Our Presence: Registration & coffee

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá



1.1 Embrace Ourselves Around the World

Opening ceremony of COME TOGETHER, BUILD THE FUTURE: IPPF General Assembly 2022. This ceremony will include an introduction to MA delegations, opening remarks and welcome to the General Assembly. This will be an opportunity to remember IPPF peers who have passed since Delhi 2019 and give thanks and welcome to one another. A Youth Member of the IPPF Board of Trustees will summarise the aims of the General Assembly and will share how young people are central to the General Assembly.


  • Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC


  • Emma Tangarife Buitrago, Youth Representative, Profamilia Colombia
  • Rosa Joyce Ayong Tchonang, Youth IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director-General, IPPF

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Rest & Refresh: Tea / Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá



1.2 Youth Voices to the Fore: Recommendations from the Global Youth Forum to the General Assembly

Youth Representatives will present and discuss their recommendations from the Global Youth Forum to the General Assembly. This session will form a bridge between the Global Youth Forum and the General Assembly. There will be an opportunity for the General Assembly to make pledges to support the youth goals.


  • Alessandro Zambrano, Youth Representative, Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsable, Perú 


  • Fathimath Shaana, Youth Representative, Society for Health Education Maldives
  • Youssef Hagag, Youth Representative, Egyptian Family Planning Association
  • Magdalena Nadya, Youth Representative, Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association
  • Amour Dieu-Donné, Youth Representative, Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille (ABPF)
  • Ammar Al Salama,Youth Representative, Syrian Family Planning Association

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 2.0 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028

2.1 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028: Overview

This session will introduce the strategy theme at the GA. It will include an overview of the design process, a reminder of the strategic pillars, and information about the voting on day 3.

We will open with a short 4 min video of the process. Abhina Aher, Chair, IPPF Strategy, Investment and Policy Committee will present the strategic pillars and provide a brief overview of the approval process.


  • Abhina Aher, Chair, IPPF Strategy, Investment and Policy Committee

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 2.0 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028

2.2 Centre Care on People

The session is about pillar 1 of COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028. The discussion will explore the critical pathways of expand choice, widen access, and advance digital & self-care. It will focus on the change required to deliver on our goals. Are we ready for pillar 1, and what needs to change? This session will also feature an introduction to IPPF’s new client-centred clinical guidelines and explore best practices for the Federation.


Nandy Adorable Senoc, Executive Director, The Family Planning Organization of the Philippines, Inc.


– Elshafie Mohamed Ali Hamed Babaker Mohamedali, Executive Director, Sudan Family Planning Association

– Luisa Fernanda Guzmán Gonzalez, Youth Representative, Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar, A.C

– Pamela Tupokiwe Kandonga, President, Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM)

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Nourish Us: Lunch & Networking

Location: Capitalino Restaurant, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 3.0 Holding Ourselves Accountable

3.1 Holding Ourselves Accountable: Good Governance: Nominations and Governance Committee Report

The Chair of the IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee will present a report covering its decisions and the actions undertaken since its establishment.


  • Neish McLean, Chair, IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 3.0 Holding Ourselves Accountable

3.2 Holding Ourselves Accountable: Good Governance Report from the IPPF Board of Trustees

The Chair of the Board of Trustees will present a report covering the achievements of the Board since its inception. This will highlight main milestones and present the future directions of the Board.


  • Kate Gilmore, IPPF Chair of the Board of Trustees

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 3.0 Holding Ourselves Accountable

3.3 Holding Ourselves Accountable:  IPPFs Programmatic and Financial Performance

The IPPF Director General will provide the General Assembly with an overview of the programmatic and financial health of the Federation.


  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director General, IPPF

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 3.0 Holding Ourselves Accountable

3.4 Dialogue for Accountability: MA Discussion on Reports

Questions & Comments from MAs to the presenters on the three previous presentations.


– Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC


  • Neish McLean, Chair, IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee
  • Kate Gilmore, IPPF Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director General, IPPF
  • Aurélia Nguyen, IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Isaac Adewole, IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Sami Abdelraman Natsheh, IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees

Expected decisions

Under agenda item 3.1

The General Assembly is expected to receive, provide feedback and note the report from the Nominations and Governance Committee.

Under agenda item 3.2

The General Assembly is expected to receive, provide feedback and note the report from the Board of Trustees.

Under agenda item 3.3

The General Assembly is expected to receive, provide feedback and note the report from the Director-General.

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Rest & Refresh: Tea / Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 4.0 Acting as One

4.1 Acting Together for Reproductive Justice

The new IPPF Strategic Framework guides the Federation in serving local communities through innovative approaches that advance rights and fundamental freedoms and shift norms and policies to address intersecting inequalities. Traditional, siloed SRHR approaches are no longer sufficient: we must evolve to embrace a sexual and reproductive justice framework that truly delivers on the bold new vision set out in IPPF’s Strategy 2028. People, especially in the communities IPPF serves, do not face challenges to their SRHR separately from challenges related to climate change, racism, refugee or migratory status, age, and gender inequalities, among others. This panel brings together UN, government, civil society, and youth representatives to discuss their commitment to act together to achieve sexual and reproductive justice and fulfil the promises of the Nairobi Summit and 2030 Agenda.


Reine Stéphanie Thiombiano, YAM President, Burkina Faso


  • Alejandro Gaviria Uribe, Minister of Education
  • Senator Angélica Lozano Correa, Colombia
  • Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, UNFPA
  • Victoria Bejarano, President, Profamilia Colombia

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Free time


Carnival of Togetherness

Welcome to Colombia cocktail reception with Carnival of Barranquilla entertainment, hosted by Profamilia Colombia.

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Close of Day 1

DAY 2: IPPF General Assembly 2022


Assert Our Presence: Coffee

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá



1.3 We Come Together

Welcome to Day 2 of the IPPF General Assembly, opening remarks, brief summary of previous day and layout of agenda for Day 2.


  • Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 4.0 Acting as One

4.2 Act with Youth: Intergenerational Dialogue

Intergenerational panel, semi-circle of Youth Representatives and older IPPF representatives.

Intergenerational dialogue on lessons learnt from youth engagement, youth-older adult partnerships and co-creating intergenerationally.


– Tashaya Anuki Premachandra, Youth Representative, Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

– Fiona Johanna Lillemor Franz, Youth Representative, PRO FAMILIA Bundesverband

– Gerard Tuii Anapu, President, Samoa Family Health Association

– Judith Laurence Maffon Gbehinto, Chair, Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille (ABPF)

– Lina Mahmoud Sabra, Executive Director, SALAMA- Lebanese Association for Family Health

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 5.0 Leadership Transitions and Amendments of IPPF Regulations and Byelaws

5.1 Leadership Transitions: Confirmation of appointments to the Board of Trustees (BoT)

As part of the 2020 Governance Reform, one third of the Board rotates off on annual basis. This enables the board to keep bringing new blood and allows continuity. The renewal process is the outcome of the Nomination and Governance (NGC) review of the performance of Individual trustees. Following this review, the NGC put forward those candidates for their re-appointment by the board (if eligible) subject to the General Assembly’s (GA)confirmation. In addition, following a voluntary non-renewal of their term by one of the trustees, the NGC recruits a candidate for this seat. The candidate that has been recruited by the NGC and confirmed by the BOT will be put forward the GA for confirmation. 


  • Neish McLean, Chair, IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 5.0 Leadership Transitions and Amendments of IPPF Regulations and Byelaws

5.2 Leadership Transitions: Appointments of new members for the vacant seats within the Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC)

As per IPPF Regulation 3 (8), the membership of the NGC is expected to be staggered to maintain continuity of organisational knowledge and expertise within the Committee. To comply with this, two of the current NGC members will be stepping down following the appointment by the GA of three new members. This is the outcomes of the thorough process followed by the NGC to recruit new members for this governing body. It is to be noted that NGC members can serve for a term up to three years, with the possibility of re-appointment once only i.e. a maximum of two terms in total. While appointing two new members, the GA will be re-appointing for a second and final term, four of its existing members.


  • Neish McLean, Chair, IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Rest & Refresh: Tea / Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 5.0 Leadership Transitions and Amendments of IPPF Regulations and Bylaws

5.3 Modernise Governance: Amendments of IPPF Regulations and Byelaws

This presentation covers the rationale for the proposed amendments to introduce to IPPF Board of Trustees, a Vice-Chair position in place of the current Treasurer position. It highlights the changes to IPPF Regulations and Procedural Byelaws that will be considered by the General Assembly (GA) for approval. In addition, references to Western Hemisphere Region (WHR) have been removed and replaced by Americas and the Caribbean Region (ACR) where appropriate.


  • Aileen McColgan, IPPF Honorary Legal Counsel

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 5.0 Leadership Transitions and Amendments of IPPF Regulations and Byelaws

5.4 Transitioning and Modernising: MA Discussion and Approval

– Amendments of IPPF Regulations and Byelaws

– Confirmation of appointments to the Board of Trustees

– Appointments of new members for the vacant seats within the Nominations and Governance Committee

Moderator: Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC


  • Neish McLean, Chair, IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee
  • Aileen McColgan, IPPF Honorary Legal Counsel
  • Andreas Prager, IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Bience Gawanas, IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director General, IPPF

Expected decisions:

Under agenda item 5.1

Following the discussion, the GA is requested to:

  • confirm one new trustee.
  • confirm three of the current BoT members for a second and final term.

Under agenda item 5.2

Following the discussion, the GA is requested to:

  • appoint two new NGC members.
  • re-appoint four of the current NGC members for a second and final term.

Under agenda item 5.3

Following the discussion, the GA is requested to approve the proposed amendments to IPPF Regulations and Procedural Byelaws.

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Nourish Us: Lunch & Networking

Location: Capitalino Restaurant, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 2.0 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028

2.3 Move the Sexuality Agenda

This discussion is based in the second pillar of COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028. The session will broach themes of sexual rights and reproductive justice. It will look at the growing global opposition, explore the intersectionality of our messages and action, and how we combine advocacy, norms change and strategic communication to meet our goals.  The session will focus on youth as agents of change and using social media to reach new audiences with winning narratives.


  • Abena Adubea Amoah, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG)


  • Hayathe Ayeva, Youth Representative, Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ATBEF)
  • Jona Turalde, Vice Chairperson, SheDecides Guiding Group and Member of IPPF Nominations and Governance Committee
  • Estrelia Sabina Nizama Ruiz, President, Instituto Peruano de Paternidad responsible

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 2.0 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028

2.4 Solidarity for Change

This discussion is based in the third pillar of COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028, the aim of which is to amplify impact by building bridges, shaping discourse, and connecting communities, movements, and sectors. Following on from the previous discussion it will look at the power of connecting at all levels. It will look at examples from the federation of building strategic partnerships that had impact. It will look at national, regional and global collaborations. It will include discussions about new innovations emerging from the federation.  


Kalpana Govind Apte,  Executive Director, Family Planning Association of India


  • Michelle Grace Phiri, Youth Representative, Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM)
  • Latifa Mokhtar Jamai, President, Association Marocaine de Planification Familiale
  • Marianne Emilie Niosi, Executive Director, Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Rest & Refresh: Tea / Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


IPPF Awards for Outstanding Courage

Presentation of IPPF Awards for Outstanding Courage, the categories are:

Outstanding individual contribution by a volunteer to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights

Outstanding individual contribution by a young person to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights

Outstanding collective contribution by a Member Association to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights

Outstanding individual contribution by a staff member of a Member Association to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights

Outstanding public contribution to sexual and reproductive health and rights

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Close of Day 2

DAY 3: IPPF General Assembly 2022


Assert Our Presence: Coffee

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá



1.4 We Come Together

Welcome to Day 3 of the IPPF General Assembly, opening remarks, brief summary of previous day and layout of agenda for Day 3.


  • Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 6.0 Chart Our Identity, Build Our Culture

6.1 Owning Our History

 This session is a fireside chat between Alvaro Bermejo and Bience Gawanas. The topic is IPPF’s history. The conversation will reflect on the federation’s progressive roots, but also some of the more difficult aspects of our history that are often unspoken.


  • Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC


  • Bience Gawanas, IPPF Treasurer of the Board of Trustees / Chairperson of the Anti-Racism Board of Trustees Sub-Committee
  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director General, IPPF

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 6.0 Chart Our Identity, Build Our Culture

6.2 Walk the Talk: Presentation of the IPPF Statement on Anti-racism

Building from the previous session, this allows for deeper reflection on our organisational history and an opportunity to reflect on power and privilege in SRHR. We will articulate what can transform IPPF into a truly anti-racist organisation; one where deeper awareness of how sexuality and gender intersect into the anti-racism work. The panel will launch its statement and with that a practical discussion of what this looks like in our day-to-day practise. We ask some of the hard questions including how do we dismantle colonial power structures and share power? How does the new IPPF make good on the discussions and changes of the last few years? And how do we work together as a Federation to chart a way forward that Is mutually empowering and supportive to build racial justice and SRHR for all?

Presentation of the IPPF Anti-Racism Statement by Kate Gilmore, IPPF Chair of the Board of Trustees

Panel presentation – Reflection on the statement


  • Bience Gawanas, IPPF Treasurer of the Board of Trustees / Chairperson of the Anti-Racism Board of Trustees Sub-Committee
  • Donya Nasser, Member of IPPF Board of Trustees
  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director General, IPPF
  • Ingela Holmertz, Executive Director, RFSU
  • Fathi Gedhera, President, Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Rest & Refresh: Tea / Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 6.0 Chart Our Identity, Build Our Culture

6.3 Chart Our Identity

This discussion will ask the questions of “Who is IPPF?” and “Who do we want to be?” It is an opportunity to reconnect on our common values and ethos that drives us forward. The discussion will form the basis for the development of the IPPF Charter to be delivered in the next strategic period.


  • Kate Gilmore, IPPF Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC


  • Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine, Member of the Board of Trustees and Member of the Anti-Racism Board of Trustees
  • Lucy Esquivel, Secretary General, RedTraSex
  • Tara Meister, Youth Representative, Austrian Family Planning Association
  • Donavine Uwimana, Executive Director Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ABUBEF)

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 6.0 Chart Our Identity, Build Our Culture

6.4 Build Our Culture, Renew Our Brand

This discussion will reflect and ask questions on IPPF’s current brand perception and legacy and what the new IPPF aspiration will look and feel like. It will use the IPPF charter as a foundation and starting block. It will also be tapping into the expertise of the MAs featured on panel on the power and importance of their brand and messaging.


Dawn Laguens, Chief, Global Strategy and Innovation, Planned Parenthood Federation of America


  • Ulukbek Batyrgaliev, Youth IPPF Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Marta Royo, Executive Director, Profamilia Colombia
  • Ammal Awadallah, Executive Director – Palestinian Family Planning & Protecion Association

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Nourish Us: Lunch & Networking

Location: Capitalino Restaurant, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 2.0 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028

2.5 Nurture the Federation

This discussion is based in the fourth pillar of COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028, the aim of which is to renew our charter, live our values, and unleash our collective power. The session will discuss the transformational journey we have been on in the last 3 years. We will hear from the panel what excites them most about the pillar and how they think we can most effectively bring about the needed change. The audience will share reflections and ask questions to the panel.


  • Waimarama Marion Matena, Youth Representative, New Zealand Family Planning.


  • Santiago Cosio, C-SIP and IPPF Board member.
  • Juliana Cabrera, Board Member, SEDRA  (Spain)
  • Abena Adubea Amoah, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG)
  • Niko Nagy, Youth Representative, inTYMYta (Slovak Republic)

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Rest & Refresh: Tea / Coffee Break

Location: Grand Foyer, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 4.0 Acting as One

4.3 Founding Our Future: IPPF’s 70 Years Together, Standing for People & Justice

This session will reflect on IPPF’s 70-year history, paying homage to the shoulders IPPF stands on, and owning our history. This panel will explore how we can use lessons from our history to build the future together.


  • Gogontlejang Phaladi, MC


  • Dr. Rathnamala Mallikarjun Desai, Chair, Family Planning Association of India
  • Hans Linde, Chair of the Board, RFSU
  • Johnash Zacx Tocel, Youth Representative, The Barbados Family Planning Association
  • Emma Tangarife Buitrago, Youth Representative, Profamilia Colombia

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Agenda Item 2.0 COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028

2.6 Come Together: Build the Future. Review and approve IPPF Strategy 2023-2028, to define IPPF’s strategic direction for the next 6-years

This session is devoted to the approval of IPPF’s 2023-2028 strategy. The session includes tributes to C-SIP and the youth voices who helped to shape the language and content of the strategy.


  • Kate Gilmore, IPPF Board Chair


  • Alvaro Bermejo, IPPF Director General
  • Laurinda Juma, Winner of IPPF Youth Challenge

Closing remarks by the Chair of the IPPF Board of Trustees.

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá


Free time


Travel to celebratory dinner and party

Meet in hotel lobby at 18:30


Come Celebrate Together: COME TOGETHER: IPPF Strategy 2028 Launch Party and 70 Years of IPPF Celebratory Dinner

Celebratory dinner for all General Assembly attendees, with entertainment.

Location: Gaira Café Cumbia House, Cra. 13 #96-11, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia


Official close of COME TOGETHER, BUILD THE FUTURE: IPPF General Assembly 2022

All Day

Profamilia Colombia clinic visits open to all General Assembly Attendees.

Register your interest here –


The Art of Sin Film Screening

Director Ibrahim Mursal fights to face down his own prejudices in his captivating documentary, an intimate portrait of a young refugee looking to find his place in the world.

Sudanese artist Ahmed Umar arrived in Norway in 2008 as a political refugee from his homeland, then one of seven countries to punish same-sex conduct with the death penalty. Seven years later, many in the Sudanese community turn on him when he comes out on Facebook, and the young artist soon discovers that even liberal Norway can hold perils for openly gay immigrants. Despite everything, Ahmed longs to return home and reconnect with his roots – but will his country and his family accept or reject him? Crossing cultures and countries, Mursal’s film captures the essence of a remarkable individual as he evolves before our eyes.

Location: Grand Ballroom

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