Feedback Questionnaire

We would be grateful if you could complete the following questionnaire regarding your experience of the 2022 IPPF General Assembly. The answers you provide will help us ensure that the meeting is a useful and productive forum to fulfil out governance duties and learn from each other’s knowledge and experience. As a learning organization, we want this forum to support our efforts to be a more effective and transparent Federation.

    Your Details

    Where requested, please rank the following questions 1 to 5 as follows:

    1. Significantly below expectation/very unsatisfied
    2. Slightly below expectation/mildly unsatisfied
    3. Met expectation (i.e. 100% delivery)/satisfied
    4. Slightly above expectation/very satisfied
    5. Significantly above expectation/extremely satisfied

    Question 1

    Question 2

    Question 3

    Question 4

    Question 5

    Question 6

    Question 7

    Question 8

    Question 9

    Question 10

    We recognize that conducting a hybrid interactive meeting is challenging and new to many. Please rank the integration of the virtual participation, meeting platform and technology against your expectations?

    Thank you very much for your contributions!