IPPF Awards for Outstanding Courage 2022

Welcome to the nomination process for the IPPF Awards 2022, celebrating our work, our extraordinary volunteers, our wonderful MA staff, and our essential partners!

Our 2022 Awards will celebrate those who have shown outstanding creativity, courage, resilience, and solidarity in defending sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). The awards will honour those who have inspired us, for example, to greater inclusion or better governance or who have shown outstanding personal dedication and determination in delivery of SRHR services or advocacy, including during the pandemic and in humanitarian settings.

The 2022 Awards will be announced at the IPPF General Assembly to be held in Bogota Colombia in November this year.

The Board of Trustees' Working Group overseeing General Assembly preparations will select the Award winners from among the nominations received.

Five awards will be made:

Outstanding individual contribution by a volunteer to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights

This award honors an individual IPPF volunteer for their outstanding contributions to the promotion, realization and/or defense of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Outstanding individual contribution by a young person to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

This award honors an individual IPPF youth volunteer or staff member for their outstanding contributions to the promotion, realization and/or defense of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Outstanding collective contribution by a Member Association to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

This award recognizes exceptional excellence by a MA – its teams of volunteers and staff - in their promotion and defense of sexual and reproductive health and rights and/or in their provision of high quality, innovative sexual and reproductive health services.

Outstanding individual contribution by a staff member of a Member Association to the advance of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

This award honors an individual staff member of a Member Association, for their outstanding contributions to the promotion, realization and/or defense of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Outstanding public contribution to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

This award honors non-IPPF political or social leaders or institutions who have taken exceptionally decisive action for the promotion, realization and/or defense of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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Locally owned, globally connected: A movement for change

Nominations are invited from all Member Associations, volunteers and staff, including from Secretariat staff as well as from individuals who wish to self-nominate.

Multiple nominations under each award category are welcome, however, only one award will be made in each category. The following parameters will also apply:

  • Nominations are to be made on the basis of merit alone.
  • Nominees for the Youth Award may be over the age of 25, provided that the work for which they are nominated was undertaken when aged 25 or under but occurred no more than three years prior to their nomination.
  • A person may be nominated posthumously, provided they are nominated within three years of their death.
  • A person who was previously nominated unsuccessfully for an IPPF Award may be nominated again.
  • A Member Association’s accreditation status will be taken into account when considering their nomination for the Outstanding Member Association category.