21st to 25th November 2022


Agenda Item 6.0 Chart Our Identity, Build Our Culture

6.2 Walk the Talk: Presentation of the IPPF Statement on Anti-racism

Building from the previous session, this allows for deeper reflection on our organisational history and an opportunity to reflect on power and privilege in SRHR. We will articulate what can transform IPPF into a truly anti-racist organisation; one where deeper awareness of how sexuality and gender intersect into the anti-racism work. The panel will launch its statement and with that a practical discussion of what this looks like in our day-to-day practise. We ask some of the hard questions including how do we dismantle colonial power structures and share power? How does the new IPPF make good on the discussions and changes of the last few years? And how do we work together as a Federation to chart a way forward that Is mutually empowering and supportive to build racial justice and SRHR for all?

Presentation of the IPPF Anti-Racism Statement by Kate Gilmore, IPPF Chair of the Board of Trustees

Panel presentation – Reflection on the statement


  • Bience Gawanas, IPPF Treasurer of the Board of Trustees / Chairperson of the Anti-Racism Board of Trustees Sub-Committee
  • Donya Nasser, Member of IPPF Board of Trustees
  • Alvaro Bermejo, Director General, IPPF
  • Ingela Holmertz, Executive Director, RFSU
  • Fathi Gedhera, President, Association Tunisienne de la Santé de la Reproduction

Location: Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Bogotá

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