Security and Safeguarding Briefs

We have prepared two short videos regarding security and safeguarding while you are in Bogotá. We request that every person attending the General Assembly watch both videos before attending.

Security Brief

Safeguarding Brief

Please note that we are negotiating to have General Assembly staff available at immigration, but this has not been confirmed.

In the security video, it refers to a shuttle service from the hotel, please note this is only available on the 19, 20, 21 of November for arrivals and 25 and 26 of November for departures. General Assembly staff will be present inside the airport to assist you to the vehicle.

Safeguarding focal points:

Gabriela Muñoz and Manuelle Hurwitz

If you require Arabic interpretation, please contact either Gabriela or Manuelle, an Arabic to English interpreter will be provided Report a concern confidentially via IPPF SafeReport:

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